The Code for Rewind.

 // Get the string from the page
// controller function

function getValue(){


let userString = document.getElementById("userString").value;

let revstring = reverseString(userString);


// reverse the string
// Logic function
function reverseString(userString) {

let revstring = [];

// let name = Spencer
//name[0] = 'S'
//name[4] = 'n'
// last pos in an array name.length - 1

//reverse a string using a for loop
for (let index = userString.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
revstring += userString[index];
return revstring;

// Display the reversed string to the user
// View Function
function displayString(revstring) {

//write to the page
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = `Your string reversed is: ${revstring}`;
//show the alert box


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